Look, over at Adobe! It’s a color wheel! It’s a periodic table! No…
It’s the icons you’ll have on your desktop for the planned Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3) … and boy are they hideous!
See the large image.
One reader said he “thought it was a cruel hoax.” Another says he doesn’t want “Alphabet soup in my Dock.” CSS Zen Garden creator Dave Shea asks “Did I sleep through the announcement where Pantone bought Adobe or something?” One user went so far as to create a useful icon legend on Flickr so we could understand the damned things.
Here’s more background on the eyesore, which kinda looks like Adobe’s version of Sauron’s evil, fiery eye from ‘Lord of the Rings.’
[Via Dave Shea]
Author: Danny Sanchez
Danny Sanchez is the Audience Development Manager at Tribune's Sun-Sentinel.com and OrlandoSentinel.com. Danny has been with Tribune since 2005 in a variety of editorial, digital and product development roles in Hartford, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. He has also previously worked in the newsrooms of the Tampa Bay Times and The Miami Herald.
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