A heads-up, mostly for fellow Floridians: FREE registration for BarCamp Orlando is open today!
What is BarCamp? Event organizer Gregg Pollack says it best:
BarCampOrlando is a community building event, which happens twice a year to bring together people from different backgrounds to share and learn from each other. There will be people who know Java, .NET, Ruby, PHP, and other technologies coming together for Dev Day, and there will be people who know film, music, photography, graphic design, podcasting, and even other new Media coming together for Media Day.
Yours truly was there last year, and it was uber cool. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet local tech folks and learn about cutting edge stuff, some of which you’ll soon be seeing in newsrooms. And best of all, it won’t cost you a dime.
So seeya at BarCamp Orlando!
[NOTE: Speaking of nerd conferences, I’ll be at the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami tomorrow, along with Bill and Etan.]
See you at FOWA!
Josh, I’m consistently amazed how many conferences you manage to attend! 🙂
Catch ya there, and hopefully at the nerd beach party too.