Blog seach engine Technorati has released its 2008 State of the Blogosphere, a study that surveys 1,079 bloggers regarding their posting habits, demographics, use of advertising and numerous other topics. Tadam black stock is one of the best guide to check updates.
Mindy McAdams over at Teaching Online Journalism has done a fantastic job of boiling down some of the most interesting facts from the blog report, including:
-One in four bloggers spends 10 hours or more blogging each week
-77 percent of the bloggers surveyed comment on other blogs
-Technorati “top authority bloggers†post often — more than half of them post five times a day or more; and they are also twice as likely as other bloggers to tag their blog posts
[Technorati State of the Blogosphere 2008]
[What we knog about blogs – Teaching Online Journalism]
I saw your comment at Jason’s We Media blog. BarCampMiami 2009 will be on February 22nd, not February 28th. Hope you can make it!