See the original at XKCD, my all-time favorite webcomic.
Category: cartoons
Journalistopia Cartoon: March 30, 2008
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Here’s some advice from OJR’s Robert Niles on how to keep your journalism job.
NAA report on huge newspaper revenue declines here. Online currently represents 7.5% of newspaper ad revenue, according to NAA.
Journalistopia Cartoon: July 12, 2007

Journalistopia Cartoon: June 3, 2007
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-More in the cartoons category.
-Read the latest on the legal wrangling over Google News here.
-Watch the EPIC2014 Googlezon video here.
Journalistopia Cartoon: May 28, 2007
Journalistopia Cartoon: May 27, 2007

Introducing the Journalistopia cartoon
Today begins the highly anticipated (by my mother anyway) run of the all-new Journalistopia cartoon!
In this blog about all things online journalism, I’ve written about the latest tips and trends for editors, writers, designers, photographers and more. But, yes it’s true. Between creating Important Commentary and producing Serious Journalism, I was secretly doodling toons all along. With the masses watching lonelygirl15 instead of the evening news and circulation taking a nosedive, perhaps us journos could use a few chuckles.
The Journalistopia cartoon won’t be published on any particular schedule, but I hope to put one out at least bi-weekly. The usual commentary will continue to appear on Journalistopia. Feel free to share and post the cartoons on your own blogs, just be sure to attribute with a link back to
The Journalistopia cartoon is dedicated to the memory of my late grandfather, Francisco Asencio, a man of limitless creativity who lived to share music, art and humor with the world.
See you in the funny papers…