Sneak peek: the future of Google Maps

So you think that Google Maps doohickey you built is really cool? Well, you might have to get your map game to the next level because Google Maps is exploring some seriously interesting data layers for their maps application:


Google filed a patent titled “Dynamic Exploration of Maps” that would let users add easy-to-use templates for specific kinds of data, such as crime indexes, average home prices, average noise levels, schools and user ratings.

So start giving some serious thought about what we news sites can do better or differently. I know I will…

[Hat tip to SEO by the Sea]

[More geojournalism in the Maps category]

Author: Danny Sanchez

Danny Sanchez is the Audience Development Manager at Tribune's and Danny has been with Tribune since 2005 in a variety of editorial, digital and product development roles in Hartford, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. He has also previously worked in the newsrooms of the Tampa Bay Times and The Miami Herald.