Future of technology in news symposium in Atlanta


[CORRECTION: That’s FEBRUARY 22-23, not January. Thanks Melissa. Going to go eat a bug now…] 

Georgia Tech will be hosting a Feb. 22-23 symposium on the future of technology as it relates to the news industry, featuring speakers such as Google News creator Krishna Bharat, American Public Media innovation center executive director Michael Skoler and Fast Company media columnist and Gawker founder Elizabeth Spiers.

Registration before Feb. 10 is $100. After Feb. 10, registration is $150. Registration for students is $50 with valid ID.

The Symposium on Computation and Journalism is billed as bringing together “researchers and newspeople from academia, corporate labs, Internet juggernauts, big media companies, small media companies, and startups, plus a freelancer or two who works at home, solo in pajamas.” Plus,  they’re “setting aside 50% of the seats for students and early-career folks with the expectation that they’re the ones to finish the conversation we hope to start.”

More info about the symposium here.

[Hat tip to April Hunt]

Author: Danny Sanchez

Danny Sanchez is the Audience Development Manager at Tribune's Sun-Sentinel.com and OrlandoSentinel.com. Danny has been with Tribune since 2005 in a variety of editorial, digital and product development roles in Hartford, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. He has also previously worked in the newsrooms of the Tampa Bay Times and The Miami Herald.

6 thoughts on “Future of technology in news symposium in Atlanta”

  1. Thanks for the info, Danny. Looks quite interesting.

    FYI, it’s Feb. 22-23, not January. I was so confused for a moment!

    And the books you’re reading at the right look quite interesting, too. Are you going to write reviews by chance? I’ve been meaning to start a “reviews” section, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.

  2. Thanks, I’m loving the book widget. I was looking to do a “What I’m Reading” list and came across this WordPress plugin: new gay dating apps All you have to do is put in the ISBN numbers and it pulls in the images and links direct from Amazon.

    I suppose I’ll review some of them, if I can spare some time (though I just finished “In Defense of Food,” which isn’t exactly online journalism-related). 🙂

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