100 interactive map ideas

googlemap.gifSo have you perchance been sitting at your desk pondering what your next great interactive map is going to be? Mike Pegg at the always-excellent Google Maps Mania blog has you covered.

Mike put together a list some time ago of “100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups“. The ideas here cover calculating taxi fare, finding a public toilet, getting cheap gas and even determining which way to face to pray toward Mecca.

The best part is that much of these ideas use data that your news site probably already collects or that is readily available to the public. Also, don’t rule out the value of soliciting community contributions either…

[100 Things to do with Google Maps mashup]

Author: Danny Sanchez

Danny Sanchez is the Audience Development Manager at Tribune's Sun-Sentinel.com and OrlandoSentinel.com. Danny has been with Tribune since 2005 in a variety of editorial, digital and product development roles in Hartford, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. He has also previously worked in the newsrooms of the Tampa Bay Times and The Miami Herald.